
Number variables should be numeric information you want to use mathematically, such as fees, quantities, asset values and loan amounts. Numerical text such as phone numbers, zip codes and account numbers are better as text variables because you can control how the number is formatted using the Text Intake Pattern.

Intake Style

You can present the number variable as a textbox (default, users just need to input a number), a spinbox (users can either type in a number or use up and down arrows to adjust the number), or a slider (users can move a slider along a bar to choose a number). By default, a slider  style will have a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 100.


Decimal Places

You can choose how many decimal places the number can have. We recommend you use this for monetary amounts and where precise amounts are needed. If you leave the decimal places at its default (0), the user will not be able to add any decimal places.

Minimum and Maximum Values

You can set the lowest number (minimum) the user may input and the highest number (maximum) the user may input.